Docker Registry

Muhammed Ali
2 min readFeb 24, 2023

Docker Registry is a service that allows users to store and share Docker images. These images can be pulled down by other users and run on their own systems, making it easy to share and distribute software. In this article, we will discuss the two main types of Docker Registry, the Docker Hub and private registries, as well as the features and benefits of using a Docker Registry.

Types of Docker Registry

  1. The Docker Hub: The Docker Hub is a public registry that is operated by Docker, Inc. and is the default location for users to store and distribute their images. Users can create free or paid accounts on the Docker Hub, and can store an unlimited number of images.
  2. Private Registries: Private registries, on the other hand, are self-hosted and can be run on-premises or in the cloud. These registries are typically used by organizations that want to keep their images behind a firewall or want more control over access to their images.

Features and Benefits of Using a Docker Registry

  • Easy sharing and distribution of software: Docker Registry makes it easy for users to share and distribute their images with others. This is especially useful for open-source projects, where developers can share their images with the community.
  • Version control: Docker Registry allows users to store multiple versions of an image, making it easy to roll back to a previous version if needed.
  • Security: Private registries provide additional security by allowing organizations to keep their images behind a firewall and control access to them.
  • Flexibility: Docker Registry can be run on-premises or in the cloud, allowing organizations to choose the option that best fits their needs.
  • Open-source: Docker Registry is open-source software, allowing users to run their own registries or contribute to the development of the project.

In summary, Docker Registry is a service that allows users to store, distribute and manage their Docker images, it can be public or private, and it uses the Docker Distribution format and the Docker Registry HTTP API to manage the images. With its easy sharing and distribution of software, version control, security, flexibility and open-source nature, Docker Registry is a valuable tool for any organization that uses Docker.

The Docker registry we will use in this course to store and share our Docker images is Docker Hub.



Muhammed Ali

Technical Writer with experience in building awesome stuff with Django, Python, JavaScript, React, Kubernetes, etc. || Cloud-Native enthusiast.